Metzeler M7

Racing Sport


4.14 / 7 Avis
Prix à partir de 97.56 EUR

Metzeler Sportec M7 RR - Déi nei Member vun der Famill Metzeler, déi aus der Erfahrung an de Stroossportaktivitéiten (also der RR-Benennung) gewonnen gouf, ass entwéckelt fir en héigen Niveaue vun Handhabung an Sécherheetsniveau anzebannen, och naass, bumpy a dreckeg Tarmac. Nei Profiler, revolutionär Materialien, nei Compounds a e ganz neien Treadmuster - Sportlech Handling - Grip on wet - Erhuelung vu Kilometer

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Spécifications techniques:

Marque Metzeler
Profil M7
Type Racing / Sport /
Dimension pneu avant: 110/70 ZR17, 120/60 ZR17, 120/70 ZR17, 130/70 ZR16
pneu arrière: 150/60 ZR17, 160/60 ZR17, 180/55 ZR17, 190/50 ZR17, 190/55 ZR17
carcasse Pneu sans chambre à air / Radial /
Speed Index W
Loadindex 54, 55, 58, 61, 66, 69, 73, 75
Production Country CN, DE


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The METZELER DAY 2021 season is starting in Italy: registrations are open for the Vallelunga stage through the new e-commerce site dedicated to METZELER events


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METZELER to become official Sponsor of the 2019 BMW MOA International Rally

Metzeler M7

Metzeler M7

pneu avant TL Racing Sport

97.56 EUR

(incl. TVA exkl. livraison)

107.64 EUR

(incl. TVA exkl. livraison)

100.40 EUR

(incl. TVA exkl. livraison)

120.04 EUR

(incl. TVA exkl. livraison)

Metzeler M7

Metzeler M7

pneu arrière TL Racing Sport

121.16 EUR

(incl. TVA exkl. livraison)

132.15 EUR

(incl. TVA exkl. livraison)

138.06 EUR

(incl. TVA exkl. livraison)

138.06 EUR

(incl. TVA exkl. livraison)

147.38 EUR

(incl. TVA exkl. livraison)