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Dunlop Roadsport 2 est disponible en Europe!!
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Spécifications techniques: |
Marque | Dunlop |
Profil | ROADSPORT 2 |
Type | Sport / |
Dimension |
pneu avant:
120/60 ZR17, 120/70 ZR17
pneu arrière: 150/60 R17, 160/60 ZR17, 180/55 ZR17, 190/50 ZR17, 190/55 ZR17, 200/55 ZR17 |
carcasse | Pneu sans chambre à air / Radial / |
Speed Index | W |
Loadindex | 55, 58, 66, 69, 73, 75, 78 |
Production Country | JP |
SPORTMAX Roadsport 2 is based on the neutral handling of conventional products "SPORTMAX RoadSport", two-layer tread structure overlapping two types of compound up and down ("The performance of the COMPOUND-player") has been enhanced to improve life performance and grip performance.
Two types of surface layer compound with high grip performance and wear resistance performance and deep layer compound with increased heat generation function effectively, and it enhances life performance and grip performance and demonstrates stable grip performance until the end of tire wear.
In addition, new profiles and patterns utilizing DUNLOP'S unique "Chamber last tuning Technology" have enabled stable handling performance.
123.17 EUR
120.47 EUR
Rupture de stock.
Déjà commandé. Pas de date de livraison
120.15 EUR
131.16 EUR
Rupture de stock.
Déjà commandé. Pas de date de livraison
146.12 EUR
(134.60) 120.15 EURDunlop ROADSPORT 2
180/55 ZR17 (73W) ROADSPORT 2 "Z"
171.70 EUR
159.23 EUR
182.91 EUR